28 days of Kindness Randomly
Saturday, February 2nd, was our second day of Kindness randomly. We joined allegiance with this movement visionary Deborah Powell Anderson owner of Fair Deal Grocery "The Spot 47" along with three other organizations Panera Bread, The Hat Ladies, I Serve With Joy. We all Fanning The Flame, Tribe of Judah, Fair Deal Grocery, The Hat Ladies and I Serve With Joy make up an allegiance called The Angel Alliance founded by Deborah Powell Anderson visit www.theangelallience/aboutus for more information. Today, our outreach consisted of cooked food (ribs, chicken, corn, green beans, red rice, tuna salad, mac and cheese) and fresh produce FREE provided by Fair Deal Grocery, Fanning The Flame and Tribe of Judah Outreach. Gently used coats and clothes provided by I Serve With JOY. We served 100 people on site and delivered meals to the Fire Department. Our fresh produce and milk total distribution was over 2 thousand pounds. We also had a surprise visit from Mayor John Tecklenburg and his wife Sandy. Below are some images that captured our 2nd day.